Wednesday 15 February 2012

Phantom Menace 3D Review

by Gareth Schofield

Now there was a time not so long ago in a galaxy very close to the A6,that i would have rather watched Gigli than watch the Phantom Menace(or as i once called it Episode 1-The Phantom Storyline) again,but recently my feelings for the film mellowed,and when my son asked to see the film on the Big Screen(being 6 he wasn't around for the Prequel Trilogy,and has only seen DVD and Blu Ray releases) i said yeah,and looked to give the most divisive film in the Star Wars Saga a second chance,Could i enjoy it more the second time around on the Big Screen,Read On To Find Out

The Film
Well the film is essentially the same film released in 1999,the major difference being the Puppet version of Yoda(which quite frankly was pants) has been replaced with a CGI version more akin to the rest of the Prequel Trilogy,and that is a definite improvement
The film is still hit and miss,when its good its really good(Podrace Scene,Darth Maul Duel with Obi Wan and Qui Gon,The Final Battle)the rest is just a bit flat,but overall its a decent film

The 3D Factor
Now 3D Conversion has suffered massively due to a large amount of truly horrific Conversions(Clash of the Titans anyone?) but recently films have been getting distinctly better ones,this being one of them,personally i would say its better than Both of the Deathly Hallows 3D Conversions,you can tell the time has been taken over it,saying that if your going expecting STAR WARS IN STICKY OUT-O-VISION your going to be disappointed apart from the odd outcropping of rock and bush there is not much that sticks out beyond the window,it all happens behind the window,there is a definite added depth to the picture,the opening crawl literally does feel like its going off into the vastness of the star field,the deserts feel vast,you get a feel of vastness and grandeur that George Lucas was going for back in 1999,the big test will be the earlier films(or later ones in order of episode)and how well the 3D Conversions go with those,but seeing Episode 1 i have every confidence ILM will do a great job


If you hated Phantom Menace the first time,then it isn't going to change your mind,but if your willing to give it a second chance or want to see a 3D Conversion that's done well,then its worth a watch,plus theres no better way to watch The Star Wars saga than on the Big Screen

Rating 3 and a Half out of 5

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